Saturday, June 29, 2019

amor:html.css Jacques*Thoreau

incantation. adoration. portal.
encenderianismo. solstice.
if the world had another name, love,
love it would be apostrophe oh skies

marvelous arte. encantador splash
the waves along the shore. adoration
the surplus no. of love. exhibition.
sails. allusion, esoteric, splash

of clouds crossing the spectre, lovelessness
between us demonstrably saddened
I repeat we as though one enlivened
/love and lovelessness/ illuminant crests.

the dregs of the shore plasticenic, love,
love, the unencumbered rain awash, love

Sunday, June 23, 2019


Where Icarus just any name not theirs
I would fear my reaction to news
of even a single tear or whisper
that centers the vile near her or theirs

That she endears is no pun no twitter
The smallest pains of saints are a pallor
they cry without complaining and suffer
the snakes that hear me hear louder

I am the snake that charmers most fear
if I bludgeon diction well excuse me, wear,
you are no better than you were ever,
but host of calamitous offers remember

The diamonds that others revere I cloud
They become no longer the asking for

Sunday, June 16, 2019

VIctimas FLor

cuando en el cielo un mundo surgio
los astros coincidieron oceano
tus ojos entonces eran el sol
diritiendose los pies del rumor
que un dia habre hay quien da al amor
su maxima expression y se oyo
arte en fin seria el vestibulo soy
mi nombre por cierto llevare mio
y dentro del follaje oprimidor
caridad, conciencia, linea, y amor
no constaba solamente espejo 
espejo del floral y de la flor
pero intime algo dejando a un lado
la victima que es el destino 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

RECUERDO All Night on the Ferry

--after the oranges

Today as the streets poured across the morning
the occupants snoring, doodling, achooing,
I thought of the reasons for writing.  Alone,
at the side of the road there was a mirror,
the earth in habitual glance over there,
a sunshine delivering habitable air.
in the power of my hindsight imploring,
watching as it withstood the afternoons
when busy as usual the chiding
arose from tongues of alabaster glowing
the victuals of the hatred the main thing
came to their hyperbole quickly
which quality forebodes of the day
wreckage of temperaments darker than grey
they pillaged as they walked away, away
the oranges all that we had to say.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Song Sun of Love Flower

the sky descends and down to the pavement
the volume of the gravity unknown
recedes behind the lenses of the known
to touch with the glorious sun's foment

of flowers the many and the sacred 
there is one that blooms over the sidewalk
with trenches behind it of sodden burlap
and ventricles smaller than any heart

believe without their petals in a song
very are those that seeded are many
blown as though a kiss from an archetype
the song of the flower must go on song

flower of blisses the author of love
bound by the horizon to songs of love