Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Shakespeare at Petrarch, Sidney and Browning

The councils of elders have drawn forth the course.
 sonnets of the ages spoken its worth
for war, for treason, for mutiny, worth
Love without consent verboten to worse

In times when Love had power to yield
to err or to gather without wielding
too much of force and so much of violence
whereas Love was a measure of doe eyed plight

cast over oceans fit to be addled 
by none. Nor drenched of its promise of  heart
where the streams of pliant shadows blurt
festive and parading lambs wool alert

Love has at once disaster foreseen since
Love without license is Loveless instance

Monday, May 28, 2018


Peaceful the woven azaleas so brandished
THreads instead of deaths smiles to prideswell
No shame of original ownership 
No is a noun of the most ancient redress

so flowers form lakes to the precipice 
where grace hardens softly the proudest art
memory designed by a dye's receipt
sacred portfolio surprising thought

outside of my window, a hummingbird,
the color of the golden sun oranged
feathers of alarm I asked anxious asked
where have you been that you fly and start

the portfolio itself  from so long ago
became a song of the color and tone

Dreamers on Mars. Sh, Hold On a Minute. HOld On a Sec

Dreamers on Mars are very much the same.
There, they also wear make-up of ages,
the dour old pill, the sacrificeless,
the stars in their makeshift pajamas game

Some X Box or Sony handheld if that
--A cousin took over the market in blues.
He never cries though his eyes but at that
The baneful and reproachful butter slew.

Take two wings from a piece of art X made
parted by walmart's selling some cargo 
passing through customs as marketable
The syllabus lives in the afterglow

Love of the sky, space, and universe
Love of the sacrifice earth and ouevre

Langston at Clemens, Hughes at Twain

---- puddinhead wilson

Langston was birthed through a Scottish effete.
He reminds of a father, towhead, 
original dreamers ohioan greats 
rivers to Missouri and Bethlehem.

Profits vanquish confeds the theatre writhes
Take it to a sugar bowl grind rice.
Say that the New Year began in your eyes.
February, February, alive 

in May, when wildflowers take wreathes
the letters click oer the Mono lake flies
sealed in the purest of leather by wings
when thought is suspended looks genius

So to those cross trains and hoods of wire.
Albert of Alberto: torture me ire.

Dreamers, the Hood is a Given

I noted not many will bow to the hood.
Movements required masters as proof.
They do not stop for licenses, others do
For they have born no sacrifices for you.

They play doctor, priest, and circumstance.
Burning syllabi for venture time worse
Create coffers of death cries and dances
Shapiro said it's entertainment and can

Say it is possible.  Say it must be.
Never saying no it is officious
Love is omnipotent when its spontaneous
The breast of childhood that milks no muse

Lives by love by love alone and its home
A house in a sanctuary - poem.

Memorious Dreamers Remember the Bow

"I have found no cure for the sick."  
William Carlos Williams 

though I speak of how now the plunder bows
your hearts have run threads through to reason
the pulpits have asked for your reason yet row
raise mastheads to beaters scurry when on

you've learned them to speak in compound redress
that fills up the voters with dream power
taught a few tools how to wrench and address
the fact that it's still taking over. mac tec

automatic frills on the haywire
fringe dating classics as nullified true
what tolls bells will mire in attire
tune forks to the palette of esquire

were subscribers when time asked a minute
your dreams are something no one can trigger