Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Uncle Tom's Cabin A Blessing Catharsis (most are not notable)

Keep your Frenemis close, Dear Benita,
Remember Ramona by Hunt Jackson 
was related to a Frenemy Hers, 
Dickinson,  Wharton, and Bertha Comstock
,a great Auntie of mine, we all Descend
for what would a Muse want of tenure?
Decidousity like ours: Hey GIrl,
A Frenemy Defeat is a Coup de Grace 
Suicide is so Yesterday, Je Vou Vaccordez
I walk to the Bookcase over my Pupil
Where has all Honesty? Gone look right here:
IT is lettered my colleague with a Plume 
Take it, my Feather, Art, and Loom
If one of them touches you, just send a Tune

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Love of Enemy

Love is what it does not say by word or sword
  would remain silent a millenium more
to contrive what it could to avoid the harm
 of doctrines of authority or war
and choose for the greater of worth its honor
 to contrive to contrive love with love of war
is to trample the silence of the unknown
which not only for its favors but  omens
if one thing becomes impossible to love
  it has become as such by its lack of truth
then love lost to truth is love’s imitation
yet love never gained is a love forever
for love is what love is and what it may be
remains to be discovered by enemies.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Harder a heart that never knew courage

through the passageways in search of a source

now though the half courts have became an ocean

sound steps over into infinite age

Where have all my people gone? I'm alone

a new line of a sonnet no matter

journeying and vanishing horizons

changes dimension with every turn

passed every obstacle ever heard

thundering soundlessly certain wisdom

as the stillness is faster than motion

what it contains for power over force

peace brings into fruition to conquer

the sport of solitude is mastery.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ode to NBA

Harder a heart that never knew courage

through the passageways in search of a source

now though the half courts have became an ocean

sound steps over into infinite age

Where have all my people gone? I'm alone

a new line of a sonnet no matter

journeying and vanishing horizons

changes dimension with every turn

passed every obstacle ever heard

thundering soundlessly certain wisdom

as the stillness is faster than motion

what it contains for power over force

peace brings into fruition to conquer

the sport of solitude is mastery.